May 5 - Updates

RRCSD Closed on Tuesday and Wednesday (Jan. 21-22)
Due to inclement weather conditions.

May 5 - Updates

May 5, 2020

Dear Parents & Guardians:

I hope this message finds you and your families well.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I want to thank each and every teacher and staff member in the Rocky River City School District for the work they are doing to support our students, families and community during this difficult time. From the moment we implemented online learning in mid-March, our teachers and staff have been communicating with students and families to meet their needs and providing them with productive learning opportunities.

On Wednesday, May 6, the #RrSchoolsVirtualSpiritWeek theme is Teacher Appreciation and we encourage students and families to help celebrate their teachers. Now in our eighth week of online learning, I am extremely proud of our teachers, staff, and students who continue to make education a priority and I look forward to seeing how you help celebrate their work.

Here are today’s updates:

Online Learning

  • For grades K-5, assignments will continue to be posted to each teacher’s Google Classroom. This is noted on the Goldwood Primary School and Kensington Intermediate School websites.

  • For grades 6-12, each teacher’s assignments will continue to appear in the location where they normally post. A master list of these locations can be found on the Rocky River Middle School and Rocky River High School websites.

  • Please make sure students are checking each teacher’s locations daily for assignments.

  • If you have questions regarding assignments, please reach out to your child’s teacher.

Lunches for the Week of May 11-15

  • The Nutrition Services team will offer boxed lunches for students in grades K-12 next week (May 11-15). If you are interested in ordering lunches for your child(ren), please fill out this form. The form will need to be filled out more than once if you are requesting lunches for more than one child.

  • All orders must be submitted by 6:00pm on Sunday, May 10.

  • Drive through pick-up will be on Monday, May 11, between 11:30am-12:30pm at Rocky River Middle School.

  • As a reminder, parents/guardians may fill out an application for free or reduced lunch (RRHS/RRMS) and free milk (GPS/KIS) at any time. For immediate processing, please use the secure web site. Applications will be processed during the extended school closure and the benefits will carry through the end of the year. These benefits will also cover meals we are serving during the extended school closure. If you have any questions about this, please email Nutrition Services Supervisor Tina Wasserbauer ([email protected]).

Special Education Services

  • Online service delivery aligned with each students' identified needs continues.

  • Related services and therapies are also being provided via distance learning.

  • Students who qualify for Extended School Year services (ESY) will be receiving information soon. ESY will be provided via distance learning this summer. 

  • If you have questions regarding assignments or workload please contact your child's case manager.

Class of 2020 Cap and Gown Pick-Up on Friday, May 8

  • Representatives from Josten’s will be on-site at RRHS on Friday, May 8, for a drive-through pick-up of cap and gowns.

  • Pick-up will take place from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.

  • Please use the Wagar Parking Lot entrance and follow the signs for instructions.

RRHS Honor Awards Ceremony

  • RRHS will conduct its Honors Awards Program virtually next Wednesday, May 13.

  • All Merit, Honors, High Honors, and 12th grade High Honors All Four Year award recipients will be posted online at 9:00am.

RRHS Senior Earns Scholarship from Rotary Club of Lakewood and Rocky River

  • Congratulations to RRHS senior Youssef Salama who received a college scholarship from the Rotary Club of Lakewood and Rocky River. 

  • You can read about Youssef’s accomplishment at

  • Youssef plans to study business at Loyola University in Chicago.


  • Please click here to visit our FAQ website. If you have a question regarding the extended school closure and COVID-19, please click here to submit it. Listed below are recent questions we have received.

Will the Goldwood pizza lunch money that was prepaid be refunded from the missed pizza days? Thank you!
The Goldwood PTA has devised multiple options regarding the remaining Pizza Day balance of $40.00. Please read the options carefully and click this link to select an option. 

  • Refund the remaining balance ($40.00) by check.

  • Pay next year's GPSPTA's dues ($15.00) and refund the remaining balance by check ($25.00).

  • Pay next year's KISPTA's dues ($20.00) and donate the remaining $20.00 to the Rocky River Assistance Pantry. (for second graders entering third grade)

  • Donate the full amount ($40.00) to GPSPTA/Rocky River Assistance Pantry.

Please note that the deadline to fill out this form is May 22, 2020. No exceptions will be permitted, allowing enough time to get the refunds out by the end of the school year. If there is no response by May 22, 2020, the PTA will consider the remaining balance a donation. If you have any questions regarding your refund, please email Katie Galla at [email protected].

If we know in advance that our student will need to miss a specific day of school (i.e., he won’t be able to log into classes at all that day), is there something we need to do to notify the school in advance? Or should he just coordinate with his teachers individually to complete the work on a different day that week?
Please notify the teacher ahead of time and coordinate to ensure work and assignments are completed.

As always, thank you for your continued support of the Rocky River City School District.


Dr. Michael G. Shoaf
© 2025. Rocky River City School District. All Rights Reserved.
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