June 12 - Rr 20/20 Vision


June 12 - Rr 20/20 Vision


June 12, 2020

Dear Parents & Guardians:

As the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) plans for the 2020-2021 school year, we will continue to follow guidance and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Governor’s office, the Ohio Department of Health, the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH), and the Ohio Department of Education.


Results from the 834 parent/guardian surveys that were submitted have been reviewed and I was able to address several of the responses in the most recent episode of the #RrSchools Podcast that can be heard here. An Executive Summary of the parent/guardian survey and data, trends, and themes broken down by building can be viewed here.


The next step in our reopening process involves the Rr 20/20 Vision Committee that includes parents/guardians, students, teachers, staff, administrators, department supervisors, and Board of Education members. There will also be building and department subcommittees to help further recommendations and plans.


The purpose of these committees will be to engage stakeholders, work collaboratively, consider the parent/guardian survey results, and recommend reopening protocols and plans to the CCBH and RRCSD Board of Education for approval.


If you are interested in serving on a building subcommittee, please click here and submit your contact information by Tuesday, June 16. If you are unable to serve on a subcommittee, but would like to contribute feedback, please submit it in the final question on the form.


Thank you for your continued support of the Rocky River City School District.




Dr. Michael G. Shoaf

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