Posted June 6, 2024
Request for Proposals
Superintendent Search Services
Rocky River City School District
The Board of Education (the “Board”) of the Rocky River City School District (the “District” or “RRCSD”) requests proposals for professional services to assist the Board in conducting a search for its new superintendent. At the Rocky River City School District, we provide a caring environment and exceptional opportunities, resulting in successful students who are globally competitive. RRCSD serves around 2,700 students in grades PK-12 in 5 school buildings. The district employs a total of nearly 400 dedicated employees in service of our mission. Learn more about RRCSD by visiting RRCSD will have an opening for the position of superintendent beginning August 1, 2025. The Board intends to conduct a thorough and comprehensive search, with the goal to take Board action on a new superintendent hire by spring, 2025. Ohio Revised Code Section 3319.01 relates to the employment of a superintendent by an Ohio public school district.
The Board will be selecting a search firm to supply the services described in this RFP based on the search firm’s expertise, experience, and responses to the Proposal Requirements section of the RFP, and the information gathered during the interview process. The Board expects to take action on the selection of a search firm in August or September 2024, with work commencing immediately upon execution of a mutually acceptable service agreement.
Proposal Requirements
Proposals must be presented in a format organized by Company Profile Information, Search Process Description, Qualifications of Personnel, References, Attachments or Forms, and Other Pertinent Data and include the following information:
Proposed timeline of activities and major events in the search process.
Responsibilities to be assumed by the Board and/or the search firm during each phase of the process. Proposals should include a description of the required assistance or services needed by the search firm from District staff during the recruitment, interview, and placement process.
Recommended process for updating the superintendent job description and developing criteria that will be used for selecting the new superintendent.
Detailed plan for input engagement and feedback involving stakeholders — including board members, staff, students, families and the school district community as a whole. Proposals should define how the specific engagement activities will be conducted.
Description of the advertising and recruitment strategies proposed, including measures to assure equal opportunity and other considerations. Proposals should include samples of materials, including type and medium. Proposals should also include where and how the position will be advertised and the process for identifying candidates, networking, and actively recruiting candidates.
Description of the level(s) of applicant screening to be provided, including any criminal background, employment, and other checks of qualified applicants.
Description of the selection activities proposed by the firm, and the role of the Board in those activities.
Description of the level of coordination and facilitation of the interview process and selection of candidates provided to the Board by the firm.
Description of the level of assistance given to the Board in developing an appropriate compensation package and negotiating terms of employment with the final applicant.
Description of at least three searches conducted for public School Districts within the last 36 months, including reference names and contact information (mailing address, telephone number, and email address). Proposals should also include a description of other superintendent searches conducted in the past five years for districts of similar size and characteristics.
Information about the search firm making this proposal including:
Description of the firm’s experience working with school districts of similar size and characteristics as RRCSD.
Identification of the key members of the search team who will be assigned to our project, along with a resume and/or statement of qualifications.
Description of guarantees, assurances and/or refunds, if any, that the firm will provide to the district in the event of an unsuccessful search.
Statement as to whether the individual or firm is currently engaged in other projects that coincide with or might affect the timeline of this search.
Data relating to successful hires and longevity of placements.
Detailed total cost estimate for this search, separating out anticipated expenses for each element of the search and outlining other anticipated expenses for the District.
Assurance that the search firm has no unresolved finding for recovery issued by the Auditor of State under Ohio Revised Code Section 9.24. If this representation is false, any contract is void ab initio, and any funds paid to the firm must be immediately repaid to the Board of Education.
Assurance that the search firm and key members of the search team have, and will acquire, no direct or indirect personal interest that is incompatible or in conflict with the performance of the firm’s services on behalf of the District, including without limitation any conflict that may create a potential violation of Ohio’s Ethics Laws for any Board of Education member or District personnel.
Assurance that the search firm shall maintain automobile, workers’ compensation and general liability insurance to protect the firm and its agents and employees from any and all claims that may arise from the firm’s performance of its services for the District. The firm shall present a certificate of insurance to the District’s Treasurer upon request.
Submission of the Proposal
Proposals should be sent to:
Superintendent Search
c/o Greg Markus, Treasurer
Rocky River City School District
1101 Morewood Parkway
Rocky River, OH 44116
[email protected]
The Board will accept proposals by email or delivery to Mr. Markus using his contact information above. If submitting paper copies, be sure to submit at least 8 copies.
Proposals must be received no later than noon (local time) on July 8, 2024.
Questions regarding the proposal should be addressed to Treasurer, Greg Markus.
Selection of the Search Firm
The Board will evaluate and screen proposals that are timely submitted and select a number of consulting firms as finalists. Proposals that are untimely will not be considered. All proposals will be subject to the Ohio Public Records Act, Ohio Revised Code Section 149.43. The District reserves the right to reject any or all proposals.
The Board may invite the finalists to make oral presentations in a public session. All respondents will receive written notification of the Board’s decision regarding finalists.
Evaluation Factors
The evaluation of all timely and complete proposals will be based on the review and analysis of several factors, which will include, but not be limited to, the following:
The consulting firm’s detailed timeline, processes, and strategies for conducting the requested services.
The consulting firm’s background, qualifications, experience, and guarantees in providing the services that are identified in the Proposal Requirements section of this RFP.
References for services of a similar nature performed for other public school districts. Include the number of clients in Ohio, number of years in education services, and all other factors that indicate the firm's commitment to perform satisfactorily, including responsiveness and availability.
Costs, including the consulting firm’s hourly rates for all levels of service, any other personnel costs, travel time costs, and all associated costs for support services, such as copying, etc. All costs must be identified in your proposal. All costs will be negotiable until the parties execute a final written contract. Firms must provide a firm, fixed “not to exceed” total cost in their proposals.
Results from the panel interview process.
The Rocky River City School District Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and transgender identity), disability, age, religion, military status, ancestry, genetic information or any other legally protected category in its education program and activities, including employment opportunities.