March 24 - FAQ Website


March 24 - FAQ Website

March 24, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians:

As we continue with the second week of our extended school closure, I want to once again thank you for your support, patience, and understanding as we continue to navigate through this matter. I continue to be amazed by many of the learning opportunities and activities that have been going on throughout the district over the last week.

During this unprecedented and uncertain time, I know that some of you may have questions regarding the extended school closure and Coronavirus (COVID-19). The district has set up a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) website and will continue to update it as new questions, answers, and information becomes available. If you have a question, please use this form to submit your question.

I also encourage you to visit our newly designed COVID-19 preparedness webpage which features all communications that have been sent out to date, a link to the FAQ website, parent resources, and other important information. 

Please continue to follow the guidelines and recommendations set forth by the Ohio Department of Health and I hope you and your families continue to stay safe and healthy.

Thank you for your continued support of the Rocky River City School District.


Dr. Michael G. Shoaf
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