April 17 - Updates


April 17 - Updates

April 17, 2020


Dear Parents & Guardians:


I hope you and your families had a restful spring break and continue to remain safe and healthy. As we get ready to resume online learning on Monday, April 20, I am confident that our teachers will continue to work with students and maximize engaged learning opportunities through a number of different platforms and resources.


Online learning will continue through Friday, May 1, per Governor DeWine’s order, but there is a possibility that the school closure may be extended beyond that date. We will continue to follow the Governor’s directives regarding the opening and closing of schools through the end of the school year.


Here are some updates on several topics.

Online Learning

?      Online learning will resume on Monday, April 20.

?      For grades K-5, assignments will continue to be posted to each teacher’s Google Classroom. This is noted on the Goldwood Primary School and Kensington Intermediate School websites.

?      For grades 6-12, each teacher’s assignments will continue to appear in the location where they normally post. A master list of these locations can be found on the Rocky River Middle School and Rocky River High School websites.

?      Please make sure students are checking each teacher’s locations daily for assignments

Lunches for the Week of April 20-24

?      The Nutrition Services team will offer boxed lunches for students in grades K-12 next week (April 20-24). If you are interested in ordering lunches for your child(ren), please fill out this form. The form will need to be filled out more than once if you are requesting lunches for more than one child.

?      All orders must be submitted by 11:59pm on Sunday, April 19.

?      Drive through pick-up will be on Monday, April 20, between 11:30am-12:30pm at Rocky River Middle School.

?      As a reminder, parents/guardians may fill out an application for free or reduced lunch (RRHS/RRMS) and free milk (GPS/KIS) at any time. For immediate processing please use the secure lunchapp.com web site. Applications will be processed during the extended school closure and the benefits will carry through the end of the year. These benefits will also cover meals we are serving during the extended school closure. If you have any questions about this, please email Nutrition Services Supervisor Tina Wasserbauer ([email protected]).


?      Our technology team will continue to be available and respond to any tech issues you may be experiencing.

?      Please visit the Extended School Closure Trouble Ticket and our team will do its best to respond as soon as possible.

AP Exams

?      Last night, there was a live webinar for students and parents/guardians regarding AP Exams that will be administered next month. A link to the recording of the webinar is located here.

?      Please click here for more information about this year’s AP Exams.

April Board of Education Business Meeting

?      The Board of Education meeting on Thursday, April 23, 2020, will take place online at 5:00pm.

?      A Zoom link to attend the online meeting will be available at RRCS.org next week.

?      Attendees will be able to post a question to the Board to be addressed during the time of the meeting.


?      We will resume #RrSchoolsVirtualSpiritWeek next week with new themes for each day.

?      To view the themes, please click here.

?      Thank you to all students, parents/guardians, and teachers who have been taking part.

Best Communities for Music Education Award

?      The Rocky River School District recently received the Best Communities for Music Education Award for the fourth year in a row.

?      To read more about the award, please click here.

COVID-19 Information Website and FAQs

?      Please continue to visit the district COVID-19 webpage that includes recent communications, information, and resources for parents/guardians and families.

?      Please click here to visit our FAQ website. If you have a question regarding the extended school closure and COVID-19, please click here to submit it. Here are some recent questions we have received.

?      Is the tuition for the 2nd semester of all day Kindergarten being pro-rated or reimbursed for the weeks/months the students are not receiving all day instruction during COVID?

¦      Because instruction and learning will continue through the remainder of the school year, tuition will not be reimbursed or pro-rated.

Thank you for your continued support of the Rocky River City School District.




Dr. Michael G. Shoaf
© 2024. Rocky River City School District. All Rights Reserved.
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