The Rocky River City School District administration and staff have been gaining and receiving input from employees, students, parents/guardians, RRCSD Board of Education members, medical professionals and security professionals about plans to safely reopen the RRCSD this fall for students and staff. The Rr 20/20 Vision Committee is working with building and department committees and using data from the parent/guardian surveys to identify reopening recommendations and plans to share with the Cuyahoga County Board of Health and the Rocky River Board of Education. More than 275 volunteers are serving on the Rr 20/20 Vision Committee and building sub-committees.
Latest News
The 2020-2021 school year has been different and it’s hard to believe that we are already approaching the holiday season. We are grateful for your support as students and families adapt and remain engaged during these trying times. The district continues to operate in the Hybrid (Yellow) Instructional model and we have worked to make adjustments and improvements, specifically for the schedules at Rocky River High School and Rocky River Middle School to increase instructional time. [MORE]
Earlier this afternoon, Governor DeWine announced that Cuyahoga County is staying at Level 3 (Red) on the COVID-19 Public Health Advisory System. As a result of this announcement and after consulting with officials at the Cuyahoga County Board of Health, the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) will continue to operate in the Hybrid (Yellow) Instructional Model. [MORE]
Last Thursday, Governor DeWine announced that Cuyahoga County was one of three counties in the state placed on the Watch List for Level 4 (Purple) in the state’s COVID-19 advisory system, indicating severe exposure and spread. If the county moves to Level 4 (Purple) during the Governor’s press conference on Thursday, October 29, the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) is planning an immediate transition to the Closed (Red) Instructional Model beginning on Friday, October 30 and all instruction will remain online until further notice. [MORE]
The Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) will resume in-person/in-building learning on Monday, September 28, in the Hybrid (Yellow) Instructional Model. [MORE]
The first day of school for students in the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) is on Monday, August 31, and while the school year will begin with remote learning, we remain committed to providing a high-quality educational experience for all students. [MORE]
As we prepare to begin the 2020-2021 school year next week, the Rocky River City School District Nutrition Services team will offer lunch at Rocky River High School, Rocky River Middle School, Kensington Intermediate School and Goldwood Primary School during all Instructional Models (Open (Green), Hybrid (Yellow) and Closed (Red)). [MORE]
August 21 - Communication
On Thursday afternoon, Governor DeWine announced that Cuyahoga County moved down to Level 2 (Orange) in the Ohio Public Health Advisory System. While this positive and encouraging news is a step in the right direction, the Rocky River City School District will still open the 2020-2021 school year in the Closed (Red) Instructional Model per the recommendation of the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH). [MORE]
Since the COVID-19 health crisis began, we have been navigating this challenging landscape and making decisions to protect the health, safety and well-being of students, staff and the community by following the guidance and recommendations of local, state and national health officials. Based on the recent recommendation from the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH), the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) will begin the school year in the Closed (Red) Instructional Model. [MORE]
Please click HERE to view a list of Mental Health Resources for Parents during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
August 7 - Communication
The situation surrounding COVID-19 and the safe reopening of schools remains a daily struggle. There is no perfect plan to reopen schools and every approach will leave some families and staff unsatisfied and concerned. I share in your frustration and the uncertainty that we face going forward. Administrators and teachers would like nothing more than to fully open schools, but the health and safety of our students, families, staff and community will remain our top priority when making decisions. [MORE]
On Thursday evening, the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH) issued a recommendation that all area schools start the school year in online remote learning “due to the elevated risk posed to students, staff and family members”. [MORE] The Rocky River City School District has established a remote online learning option for families who choose not to send their children back to school for health or safety reasons. The online learning program will provide K-12 students with instruction delivered by Rocky River teachers during school hours. [MORE]
July 24 - CommunicationI hope you and your families are continuing to stay healthy while enjoying the summer. Over the last several months, Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) administrators and staff have been coordinating with parents/guardians, students, Board of Education members, medical and security professionals, and local health officials working to develop a plan to reopen the district. The health, safety and well-being of students, staff and the community continues to be at the forefront of all decisions. [MORE]
Thank you for your continued patience as we work to create plans to safely reopen the Rocky River City School District. We have been in consistent contact with parents/guardians, students, staff, Board of Education members, medical and security professionals, and local health officials working on a comprehensive plan to meet the needs of students, staff and families. [MORE]
July 10 - Communication
I hope this letter finds you and your families well and that you are continuing to stay healthy while enjoying the summer. Following Governor DeWine’s directive that students will be returning to school this August, the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) is working on a reopening plan. [MORE]
July 10 - Communication
The following Rocky River High School events scheduled for July have been canceled: Prom, Senior Picnic, In-Person Commencement, and the Spring Musical. [MORE]
July 2 - Communication
Earlier today, Governor DeWine announced details of the State’s return to school plan. The plan provides guidance on best practices that all Ohio school districts are expected to follow as they consider educational and programming options for the fall. During his address, the Governor provided several key points that we must consider when making decisions that will impact our students, staff, families, and community as we work to safely reopen schools. [MORE]
July 2
June 26 - Communication
As we await an announcement from the Governor’s office regarding guidelines for opening schools in the fall, the Rr 20/20 Vision committee and building subcommittees have met/or are scheduled to meet. Committees consist of parents/guardians, students, teachers, staff, administrators, department supervisors, Board of Education members and local health experts. These committees are working collaboratively to develop the safest reopening plans for the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD). [MORE]