July 10 - Communication


July 10 - Communication

July 10, 2020

Dear Parents and Guardians:

I hope this letter finds you and your families well and that you are continuing to stay healthy while enjoying the summer.

Following Governor DeWine’s directive that students will be returning to school this August, the Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) is working on a reopening plan that includes:

  • Face masks for all students and staff at school and on school buses. RRCSD will review exceptions for medical reasons.

    • The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children over the age of 2 wear a face covering. 

    • This graphic from the Ohio Department of Health in the COVID-19 Health and Prevention Guidance for K-12 Schools shows how wearing a mask helps reduce airborne transmission of the virus.

  • Consistent and effective cleaning protocols.

  • Three instructional models - Green, Yellow, and Red (see chart below)

    • A remote learning option will be available for families who choose not to send their children back to school for health and safety reasons. Remote learning options will include:

      • Grades K-8: RRCSD certified staff members for core subjects (English/Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies). 

      • Grades 9-12: An online learning provider, or if available a RRCSD certified staff member, to accommodate the variety of courses. 


RRCSD is considering reopening schools with the following calendar:

  • August 25-28: Staff only
  • August 31-September 4: First week of school for students using Yellow instructional model
  • September 8 and beyond: Instructional model will be determined prior to the start of the school year 


As students return to schools this August, the Governor said school districts must comply with several health and safety guidelines that are outlined in the COVID-19 Health and Prevention Guidance for K-12 Schools.

Additionally, the Governor may change health advisory orders throughout the school year, which could switch the district to a different instructional model with limited notice. We will continue to evaluate the situation based on evolving conditions, data about the status of the pandemic, and recommendations and guidance from public health officials.


In the coming week, parents/guardians will be sent a survey asking if they plan to send their children back to in-person classes. This information is needed to help establish classes and online learning needs. 



Face masks will be required when riding a RRCSD school bus. Parents/guardians with children who are eligible for transportation will receive a survey asking if they will be able to provide daily transportation for their child to help reduce the number of students on each bus. Depending on ridership, students may be seated two per seat.


Please note that this communication and all future information regarding the return to school will be posted on our Rr 20/20 Vision website that can be viewed here.

Finally, I want to once again thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to work together through these challenges. We will share more communications in the near future as further plans are developed.

Thank you for your continued support of the Rocky River City School District.


Dr. Michael G. Shoaf

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