Title I


Title I

Title I

Goldwood Primary School will receive Title I funds this school year.  Students who qualify at Goldwood will receive supplemental reading and math intervention services. If your child is selected to participate in this program, you will be given notification from your child's teacher.
All parents/guardians of students attending our Title I building have the right to know about the teaching qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. The federal law, No Child Left Behind, requires school districts receiving Title I funds to inform parents of this right to inquire about the qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. 

These qualifications include:
  • Whether the teacher has met the Ohio teacher licensing criteria for the grade level and subject areas in which the teacher provides your child’s instruction – please be assured that all Goldwood staff members have met/exceeded the Ohio teacher licensing criteria

  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or temporary status that waives state licensing requirements – no Goldwood staff member is teaching under these circumstances.

  • The undergraduate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate degree or certification held by the teacher and the field of discipline of certification or degree – all of our teachers are highly qualified to teach their elementary assignments

  • Whether your child is provided services by instructional paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications – none of the children in the Title I program will be given instruction by paraprofessionals unless they also have an I.E.P. with those specifications
If you would like to inquire about any of the noted information, 
please call Dr. Carol Rosiak at 356-6720.





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