Media Center


Media Center

Welcome to the Media Center!

Rocky River Schools

A brand new school year with so much promise and so much potential!

We have spent the first couple of weeks just getting back into the swing of things.  First and second grades have made their barcode headband so they are all ready to check out the first Goldwood library books of the year.  Kindergarten has learned how to care for a library book, how to check it out and how to return it.  Watch for books to be coming home after Labor Day.
I spend some time at the beginning of the year to talk to all the classes about choosing approprate books. Not every book in our library is approprate for every student at Goldwood. We talk about choosing books that are not too difficult to read or too easy. We talk about how books that 2nd graders read may not be the best choice for Kindergarteners.  We talk a little about subject matter and how some families allow their children to read certain kinds of books and some do not.  But, most importantly, we talk about what to do if a library book that they have checked out isn't a good fit for them.  The answer: Close it!  Return it!  We'll find a better one.  There are currently 10,140 books in our library. I'll bet I can find one that is just right!
Looking forward to a great school year!! 
:O) Mrs. Tomazin

Anne Tomazin
Media Center Assistant/TinkerSpace

Rocky River Schools
Please make sure your child has a working pair of headphones (NOT earbuds) for use in the computer lab.  Many of the programs we use have verbal prompts which your child needs to hear without disturbing the students around him/her.  It is also very helpful to have them in a bag marked them clearly with their name.  Username and password cards are also kept in the bag with the headphones.
Thank you so much for your help!


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