Setting up solid routines and organization for the new school year can help kids prepared for the new year, fostering age-appropriate independence that kids and families can feel good about.
Waking up and morning routine.
Many families find it beneficial to maintain or establish a school "wake up time" and morning routine, getting up in plenty of time to wake up and be ready to take on the day. This can include breakfast, kids packing lunchboxes and getting their clothing reading for the day.
Where should they do schoolwork?
It is important to have an area for kids to complete schoolwork with supplies close at hand. If possible, a table or workspace can be really helpful. Some children may prefer to work sitting on the floor. That is ok, but consider having a clipboard available for writing or drawing. Parents can use a bin or cabinet or drawer to store supplies and keep the clutter down. The important thing is that kids know where the supplies are so that they can complete their work. Setting up a routine for charging any technology used for school may be helpful.
Family calendars.
Families can create a centralized location for a family calendar, including all sports/physical activities, doctor appointments, days when a sitter is present and family events. Parents may want to mark meal times and breaks, as well. Kids may transition more easily to activities during busy times when they know what to expect. Color coding each person's activities can make schedules visible at a glance.
Time outside.
It is important for kids to have time to play outside. Fresh air and breaks paired with movement, even if it is walking, can make a world of difference.
End of schoolwork and time together.
It can be fun to mark the end of the day with a favorite song or activity. Kids can help make dinner or have a few chores and play until it is time to eat. Families may want to talk about positives/things they are proud of, things they learned and goals they are setting. Talking and sharing as a family daily is a great way to stay connected!
Bedtime routines.
Bedtime routines, complete with baths or showers, time to talk, relaxing music and reading a good book together can be a great way for everyone to wind down. Kids may want to stay up late as an extension of summer. However, a set bedtime is a good idea for the kids (and for parents to take some well-deserved time to relax, as well) to be well-rested for the day ahead.