Principal's Message


Principal's Message

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to Kensington Intermediate School! Our school’s strengths are founded on positive, high expectations of our teachers, parents, students and community. Our teachers are serious about student learning.  Our staff collaborates to address the learning needs of all students. Beliefs are communicated with sincere intent and passion. Our common goals always shine through; students are the heart of our purpose.   Our teachers, students, and parents work collaboratively to create a positive, safe, and engaging school climate. Please join us this year in continuing high standards for continued success. 


We appreciate your positive support of student learning at school and also at home. Student learning is best achieved with close partnerships among students, teachers, and parents. Throughout the year, we will be actively committed to the education of each and every student.

Our staff is focused on positive and high expectations regarding student academic performance, citizenship, and behavior. When students observe parents and teachers demonstrating aligned expectations, they will have a positive and fulfilling school experience.

Best wishes for a successful and fun school year.



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