Credit Flex


Credit Flex

Credit Flexibility

Credit Flexibility (CF) is a student-driven/student-owned study option that provides customized learning of standards focused on a student’s interests and needs. Specifically, CF is a structured learning opportunity that allows students in grades 7-12 to demonstrate mastery of course standards through an approved plan with defined learning standards and goals, planned learning activities, and standards for evaluating student learning coordinated by a qualified educator. CF can:
  • broaden the scope of curricular options available to students,
  • increase the depth of study possible for a particular subject, and
  • allow for the tailoring of learning time by providing acceleration and convenience, resulting in more options for courses during the school day.

Is CF right for me?

Students who can “agree” to the following statements are ready for a CF course:
  • When it comes to learning, I am a self-directed person. 
  • I am the only one responsible for my own learning.
  • I am able to manage my study time effectively, and I easily complete assignments on time.
  • I am self-disciplined and find it easy to set aside reading and homework time.
  • I understand that I must maintain my status as a full-time student at all times during any CF program.
  • I understand that Rocky River City School District cannot offer monetary support, supplemental materials or other support, such as hardware or software support for my technology needs, for my CF opportunity.
  • I follow the rules and student code of conduct for the Rocky River City School District while working on this CF opportunity.
  • I will follow the recommendations made by the committee approving my CFP, and I will revise my plan according to the specifications of the committee.
  • I understand that, once approved, this learning experience will be graded, be calculated into my GPA, and become part of my high school transcript.

Which Application Should I Fill Out?
  1. If you are planning on doing Fitness, Health, or Financial Literacy online through TRECA, you must fill out the "General Application for TRECA Fitness, Health & Fin Lit"
  2. If you are planning on doing a "Create Your Own Fitness Course", you must fill out the "General Application for Credit Flex Plan" (for non TRECA Fitness, Health and Fin Lit) and the "Secondary Application for CF Fitness (create your own course only).
  3. If you are planning on taking any other class through the credit flex program, you must fill out the "General Application for Credit Flex Plan (for non TRECA Fitness, Health and Fin Lit"

CF Program

CF Fitness

If you are interested in creating your own Fitness course via CF, you must complete the General Application and the Secondary Application (listed above).

Fitness Options

Students in grades 9-12 have 4 different options from which to choose to fulfill their 0.5 credit fitness graduation requirement:
1. Two semester of fitness class during the regular school day (free)
2. Two sessions of summer school fitness (cost involved)
3. Credit flex - district application (free, complete CF Fitness App above)
4. Credit flex - online provider (cost involved, complete CF General App above) 


Application Due Date

Applications are due throughout the school year by the end of the school day 9/1, 12/1, 3/1, 4/1, 5/1 and 6/1. Please read the CF Info & Guidelines below, and see your counselor if you are interested in CF.  Applications will be reviewed by a team, and decisions returned to students after each deadline.

Where do I go for help?

Please see the following teachers / department coordinators if you have questions that arise as you complete your CF application:
Art: Perz
English: Voight
Fitness: Murray (HS), Fougerousse (MS) 
Health: Achladis
Math: McDougal
Music: Paetz
Science: Frew
Social Studies & Financial Literacy: Forshey 
World Lang: L. Escobedo 
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