Fitness/Health Rotation Schedule


Fitness/Health Rotation Schedule

Fitness/Health Rotation

Fitness/ Health Rotation 2024-2025

Aug-21-23rd set up (3)

Aug 26th-Sept 6 Fitness Testing (9)

Rotation Begins

Q1- 46 days

R1- Sept. 9-23rd ( 11)

R2- Sept 24- Oct. 8 (11)

R3 Oct. 9- Oct. 25 (12)

Q2- 44 days

R1- Oct 28- Nov 19 (15)

R2- Nov 20-Dec 12- (14)

R3- Dec13-Jan 16 (15)

Q3- 43 days

R1- Jan 21-Feb 7 (14)

R2- Feb 10- 28 (14)

R3- March 3-21 (15)

Q4- 47 days

R1 March 24- April 8 (11)

R2 April 9- May 2 (12)

Fitness testing May 5- 13th (7)

R3 May 14- 30 (12)

All classes down June 2-5th

R1 - Fougerousse Class 

R2 - Harris Class 

R3 - Fowler Class   

All students start each quarter with the teacher listed on their printed schedule.  Students then rotate to their new assigned teacher after rotation is complete.  R1 goes to R2.  R2 goes to R3.  R3 goes to R1.  
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