
Rocky River City Schools News Article

Rocky River City School District Embarks on Strategic Plan Update

August 28, 2023

ROCKY RIVER, Ohio - The Rocky River City School District (RRCSD) Board of Education has approved the creation of an updated strategic plan. In partnership with The Impact Group out of Hudson, Ohio, this endeavor represents a significant milestone for the community as the district aims to chart a comprehensive course for their schools' future and their students' success.
The strategic plan will serve as a guiding document, encompassing the district's mission, core beliefs and aspirations. It will articulate the values that the community holds dear for their schools and the educational opportunities they aim to provide for their students. The plan is designed to align with the district’s shared vision and ensure continued educational excellence and growth in the years to come.
RRCSD values the input and involvement of its community members. To ensure inclusivity and representation from all stakeholders, the district will actively seek feedback from parents/guardians, teachers, staff, students and community members. The district understands the importance of collective collaboration and recognizes that the perspectives of various stakeholders are vital to creating a strategic plan that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of the community. 
The timeline for the strategic plan update is as follows:
  • Phase 1: August: The district will meet with the Board and Senior Leaders for a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).
  • Phase 2: September – October: Focus Groups will be conducted to gather diverse insights and perspectives.
  • Phase 3: November: The district will review Goals and Objectives with the Board and Senior Leaders.
As noted in Phase 2, focus groups will be conducted with parents/guardians, staff and community members. These groups are scheduled for the following dates and times:
  • District Staff/Personnel Focus Groups (open to RRHS staff only)
    1. Sept. 19           7:00am            RRMS Media Center
    2. Sept. 21           3:45pm            RRHS Media Center
    3. Sept. 25           4:00pm            Goldwood Room

  • Parent/Guardian & Community Focus Groups
    1. Sept. 25           6:30pm            Zoom
    2. Oct. 18            6:30pm            Board of Education (PD Center)
All interested parties are encouraged to participate in these focus groups. No registration is necessary. 
There will also be an online survey available as an additional measure of data compilation to ensure participation and engagement from all stakeholders. Survey questions will closely mirror those utilized in focus groups.
The district plans to deliver the updated strategic plan between Thanksgiving and the winter holidays. Early in the second semester, RRCSD will roll out the implementation plan, solidifying their commitment to transparent communication and collaboration with all stakeholders.
Stakeholders are encouraged to stay connected with the district as they work together to shape the future of Rocky River City School District. 
Please check the RRCSD website for updates.

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