
Rocky River City Schools News Article

ACT Testing Information

he ACT test is a college entrance exam covering English, reading, math, and science. It measures what students have learned in high school, so taking the right courses is important. The minimum recommended high school courses are:

  • four years of English
  • three years each of mathematics (algebra and higher), natural sciences, and social sciences

How do students sign up to take the ACT?

Students must register in advance to take the ACT test. They can register online athttp://www.act.org/

When they register they will choose a test date and location. ACT offers six national test dates a year.

Can people who live outside the United States take the test?
Yes; tests are also available outside the 50 United States.

Is the ACT test offered in languages besides English?
The ACT test is offered only in English.

Is extended-time testing available for students who speak English as a second language?
It is not. Extended-time testing is available only for students with diagnosed disabilities.

How are the tests scored?
  • Scores range from 1 (low) to 36 (high) for each of the four tests and the Composite. The Composite score is the average of the four test scores, rounded to the nearest whole number.
  • We base ACT scores on the number of questions answered correctly. We do not deduct any points for wrong answers. Then we convert the raw scores to scale scores. Scale scores have the same meaning for all versions of the tests.
  • Three of the four tests also have subscores, which range from 1 (low) to 18 (high).
  • There is no direct, mathematical relationship between subscores and test score. Also, the test scores in English, mathematics, and reading do not represent the sum of the subscores in those areas.

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