
Rocky River City Schools News Article

SAT Testing Information

SAT Reasoning Test

The redesigned SAT is the last exam in the SAT Suite of Assessments. Tightly aligned with the PSAT/NMSQT, PSATâ„¢ 10, and PSATâ„¢ 8/9, the SAT provides a powerful connection to college and career. The SAT is offered throughout the school year; students often take it in the spring of 11th grade and again in the fall of 12th grade.

You can find key content changes to the redesigned SAT at https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat-suite-assessments/exam-changes/key-content-changes.

SAT Subject Tests
Subject Tests are hour-long, content-based tests that allow you to showcase achievement in specific subject areas where you excel.

These are the only national admission tests where you choose the tests that best showcase your achievements and interests. SAT Subject Tests allow you to differentiate yourself in the college admission process or send a strong message regarding your readiness to study specific majors or programs in college. In conjunction with your other admission credentials (your high school record, SAT scores, teacher recommendations, etc.), they provide a more complete picture of your academic background 
and interests.

Some colleges also use Subject Tests to place students into the appropriate courses. Based on your performance on the test(s), you could potentially fulfill basic requirements or receive credit for introductory-level courses.

There are 20 SAT Subject Tests in five general subject areas: English, history, languages, mathematics and science.

To sign up for the SAT Subject Tests and gain access to free test preparation, please go to: http://www.collegeboard.com/

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