Kathryn Fiorillo


Kathryn Fiorillo

Mrs. Fiorillo

Watermelon Bit

 Welcome to 2nd Grade!!   

       I am very excited to be working with your 
               child and your family this year! 

Please read through the following information, as it 
may be helpful in navigating through our year together.
As always, please email or call with any specific 
questions, I am always happy to help in any way I can!

     Second grade recess/lunch is 11:15-12:00. 


     Reading homework will come home on 
Mondays and should be returned the following 
Monday. Math homework should be returned the 
following day from when it was assigned. Please
be sure to read the parent information included 
with your child’s homework. It will help you be 
on top of our math program and better understand
what your child is learning in math. This is also the 
time when math facts, both addition and subtraction, 
should be memorized for quick recall. The Reading 
Record Sheet should note the minutes read and the 
material read. Your child may read silently, aloud, 
or you can also read to your child. Please be sure to 
have your child total the minutes read (good math 
practice). They can also be responsible for writing 
the titles and recording their reading time. Spelling 
should be practiced as much as needed to do well 
on our weekly Spelling and Fundations tests.


  Specials schedule:

Monday       Art

Tuesday        Fitness                     

Wednesday    Music 

Thursday     Library Exchange             

Friday        Computer

Your child may bring library books home onThursdays. 
They should be returned the following Thursday.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

   Special activities planned for this year include:                           

Bat activities in October 

Winter Concert in December

Penguin Week in March 

Western Week in May



     If you will be picking up your child from school,

please send a note or and email so I can notify the bus
drivers to this effect. 



    Encourage your child to bring home all checked 
papers and their planner each day. He/She will have a 
take home binder for this purpose. Review his/her work and 
give help as needed. Remember that improvement is more 
important than 


       If you have any questions or concerns,  please send a note, 
email or give me a call. My most important priority is the 
welfare of your child. Together, working as a team, we can 
make some great things happen this year!

Katie Fiorillo

[email protected]



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