Titan Payment Portal Now Open
September 13, 2022
The Titan Family Payment Portal, which is used for adding funds to lunch accounts, is now open and can be accessed here.
Please click here to set-up your account and access the Titan Family Payment Portal, which allows you to: - Add money to your child's account or check account balances.
- Apply for free meals.
- Transfer funds between students.
- See what your child is eating for lunch.
As a reminder:
- Pre-order meals are only available for Goldwood and Kensington students. Please pre-order meals on the Nutrislice app.
- RRMS and RRHS students choose their meals as they enter the cafeteria each day. They do not pre-order.
- The cost for lunch at each building is $3.55 and includes one hot or cold entrée (hot entree at RRHS and RRMS only), side dishes, fresh produce and milk.
- Menus are available on the Nutrislice app.
- If you think you may qualify for free or reduced price lunches, please fill out the online application here.