
Rocky River City Schools News Article


Chapter 1 and 2 notes- SOUND 

-       A wave is disturbance that carries from one place to another.

-       Mechanical waves require a medium. Electromagnetic a vacuum or through a medium.

-       When a wave is graphed,  the highest points are called a crest and the lowest points are called troughs.

-       The maximum displacement of a wave is its amplitude.

-       The distance between two consecutive similar points on a wave is a wavelength.

-       The frequency of a wave is the number of waves that pass a point per unit of time.

-       In a transverse wave, the motion of the medium is at the right angles of the direction of the motion of the waves.

-       The motion of the medium is parallel to the direction of a longitudinal wave.

-       The wave speed equals frequency times the wavelength.

-       The density and elasticity of a medium affect the speed of the wave.

-       Reflection occurs when a wave bounces back.

-       Refraction is the bending of waves due to a change in speed

-       The low of refraction states that the angle of the incidence equals the angle of reflection.

-       The bending of the waves around the edge of the barrier is called diffraction.

-       Waves traveling through the same space at the same time interfere with each other.

-       A wave produced at the resonant frequency of a material is a standing wave

-       Sound is a form of energy that causes particles of medium to vibrate back and forth.

-      Sound is a longitudinal wave.

-      The speed of sounds on the properties of the medium. Speed travels faster at high temperatures, in more elastic mediums, and in less dense mediums.

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